Coverage of the data set
The current coverage of the implementations of the study modules is only the University of Tampere. In the future, the source of this data will change and that will expand the coverage to both Universities.
Description of the data set
The Implementations of the study modules includes the restricted description information. The data is in JSON format.
The address of the interface is
The JSON document fields returned by the interface:
- id – technical label identifying the implementation (text)
- code – code of the implementation (text)
- name – name of the implementation in description language (text)
- unit – code of the unit responsible of the implementation (text)
- startDate – starting date of the implementation (text, ISO 8601)
- endDate – ending date of the implementation (text, ISO 8601)
- teachingLanguage – teaching language of the implementation (text, ISO 639-2)
- creditsMin – extent of the studies as credits, minimum (number)
- creditsMax – extent of the studies as credits, maximum (number)
- evaluationScale – evaluation scale (text)
- enrollmentDescription – description of the enrollment (text)
- enrollmentUrl – address of the enrollment (text)
- degreeProgrammeCode – code of the implementation of the degree program (text)
- subjectCode – code of the implementation of the subject (text)
- _opsi_opryhmat – list of studygroups
- id – technical label identifying the studygroup (number)
- id_opsi_ojtoteuma – implementation the studygroup is for (number)
- nimi – name of the studygroup (text)
- id_opsi_opetus – type of teaching (number)
- jarjestys – ordinal number of the studygroup, 0-> (number)
- ajat – list of teaching times
- id – technical label identifying the teaching time (number)
- id_opsi_ojtoteuma_opryhma – label of studygroup (number)
- alkuaika – start day (unix time, ISO 8601)
- alkutunnit – start time, hours (text)
- alkuminuutit – start time, minutes (text)
- lopputunnit – end time, hours (text)
- loppuminuutit – end time, minutes (text)
- paikka – place of teaching time (text)
- lisatiedot – additional info for the teaching time (text)
- toistuvuus – repetition (number)
- toistuvuus_saakka – repeat until (unix time, ISO 8601)
- toistuvuus_kertaa – number of repetitions (number)
- toistuvuustyyppi – type of repetition (text)
- poikkeusajat – list of possible exception times
- opsi_opetus – list of teachings
- id_opsi_opetus – type of teaching (number)
- kieli – teaching language (text, ISO 639-2)
- nimi – name of teaching (text)
- studyPeriods – list of periods the teaching is available
Example of a data set
[ { "id": 31482, "unit": "LTL", "code": "TSEKP1", "name": "Basics I: Basics of Czech language I", "startDate": "2016-08-30", "endDate": "2016-10-05", "teachingLanguage": "en", "creditsMin": 5, "creditsMax": 5, "evaluationScale": "Numeerinen 0-5", "enrollmentDescription": "", "enrollmentUrl": "", "subjectCode": "TSEK", "degreeProgrammeCode": null, "_opsi_opryhmat": [ { "id": 38396, "id_opsi_ojtoteuma": 31482, "nimi": "", "id_opsi_opetus": 2, "jarjestys": 0, "ajat": [ { "id": 70148, "id_opsi_ojtoteuma_opryhma": 38396, "alkuaika": 1472590800000, "alkutunnit": "16", "alkuminuutit": "", "lopputunnit": "18", "loppuminuutit": "", "paikka": "PinniB 4117", "lisatiedot": "", "toistuvuus": 1, "toistuvuus_saakka": 1475614800000, "toistuvuus_kertaa": 3, "toistuvuustyyppi": "Viikoittain", "poikkeusajat": [] }, { "id": 70149, "id_opsi_ojtoteuma_opryhma": 38396, "alkuaika": 1472677200000, "alkutunnit": "16", "alkuminuutit": "", "lopputunnit": "18", "loppuminuutit": "", "paikka": "PinniB 4117", "lisatiedot": "", "toistuvuus": 1, "toistuvuus_saakka": 1475701200000, "toistuvuus_kertaa": 3, "toistuvuustyyppi": "Viikoittain", "poikkeusajat": [] }, { "id": 70150, "id_opsi_ojtoteuma_opryhma": 38396, "alkuaika": 1473022800000, "alkutunnit": "16", "alkuminuutit": "", "lopputunnit": "18", "loppuminuutit": "", "paikka": "PinniB 4117", "lisatiedot": "", "toistuvuus": 1, "toistuvuus_saakka": 1475442000000, "toistuvuus_kertaa": 3, "toistuvuustyyppi": "Viikoittain", "poikkeusajat": [] } ], "opsi_opetus": [ { "id_opsi_opetus": 2, "kieli": "de", "nimi": "Kleingruppenunterricht" }, { "id_opsi_opetus": 2, "kieli": "en", "nimi": "Tutorials" }, { "id_opsi_opetus": 2, "kieli": "fi", "nimi": "Pienryhmäopetus" }, { "id_opsi_opetus": 2, "kieli": "sv", "nimi": "Undervisning i smågrupper" } ] } ], "studyPeriods": [ 1, 2 ] }, ... ]