Description of the data set
This data set contains the curriculum data for Tampere University. The source of the data is the student information system Sisu, which contains complete curriculum data for city centre and Kauppi campus. Curriculum data for Hervanta campus is only partial and will be completed by Autumn 2020, when Sisu will be taken in use in full also on Hervanta campus.
There is a description of the data model on a public wiki (in Finnish). More specific information about the data model, for example the structure of studies and versioning can be found in the same place (also in Finnish).
More information about the structure of the data and the data contained in can be found in Sisu’s API documentation. Note that the data is not an exact copy of the data in Sisu since some parts of the data has been filtered out due to data protection reasons.
Coverage of the data set
Curriculum data is complete only for the city centre and Kauppi campus. The data for Hervanta campus will be completed by Autumn 2020 when the Sisu system is taken into use in full.
Description of the interface
The data set is published as is in the JSON format produced by the Sisu system. No API key is needed to access the data. The data set is updated daily. The data set has been divided into parts due to the size of the data set.
Parts of the data set and addresses for accessing the data set:
- sisu_assessmentitem.json – assessment items
- sisu_building.json – buildings
- sisu_codebook.json – codes
- sisu_courseunit.json – course units
- sisu_courseunitrealisation.json – realisations
- sisu_education.json – educations
- sisu_location.json – locations (rooms etc)
- sisu_module.json – modules
- sisu_studyevent.json – study events